BSA Troop 713


All scheduled troop meeting, camping, and outing dates are maintained in ScoutBook.  Please open ScoutBook for full details on our schedule.
To download the ScoutBook Calendar to your Mobile Calendar, use the following ICS link:

For specific instructions on how to do that, see guidance here:
TO ADD ScoutBook Calendar to Google calendar

  1. Open Google Calendar on a computer.  Note: You can only import from a computer, not a phone or tablet.
  2. In the top right, click Settings > Settings.
  3. Click Add Calendar in the menu.
  4. Click From URL then paste in the following URL:

  1. Click ADD CALENDAR.
  2. You will find the calendar in the Other Calendars section of your Google Calendar.

TO ADD ScoutBook Calendar to Apple iOS calendar:

  1. Select Settings→Mail, Contacts, Calendar.
  2. Select Add Account.
  3. Select Other.
  4. Select Add Subscribed Calendar (near the bottom of the screen).
  5. Paste or Type in the server address for the calendar on the Subscription screen:

The calendar appears on the calendar list in the Calendar app.

Select Next.